Journal of Translation Studies
Journal of Translation Studies will request ORCID ID from authors as of 2018. Please click for details.

ORCID is the abbreviation for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. ORCID is a 16-digit URI number consistent with the ISO Standard (ISO 27729), also known as the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI).

ID information for each academic will be included in ULAKBİM TR index systems. In order to establish a standardization and because it will be used in collaborations with Turkish Higher Education, ORCID information must be requested from authors by the journals listed in the TR Directory or to be included in any TR index.

Name similarities, surname changes, names with Turkish characters, different typing styles, affiliation changes may cause problems in the publication / citation scans made by the author. For this reason, it is important for researchers to obtain a descriptive ID.

You can register in ORCID for free at //