Aim and Scope:
The Journal of Translation Studies is an academic journal and operates with a double-blind peer referee system. The journal publishes national and international research articles in the field of translation studies. In this context, the Journal of Translation Studies aims at sharing with the academic world of scientific studies reflecting both international theories/applications and the accumulation of knowledge, coming from a land where many cultures and civilizations have blended together for thousands of years
Owner of the Journal and the Editor: Res. Assist. Cihan ALAN
Management Office: Hacettepe University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Translation and Interpreting, TR-06800, Beytepe - ANKARA, TURKEY
Management Office Phone Nb.: +90 (312) 297 8375
Publishing Languages: Turkish, English, French, German
Type of Publishing: Local periodical
Frequency of Publishing: Twice a year
ISSN 1301-4145